The narcissist loves to toy with us. For them, it’s a big game of keeping us down, and putting us in our place. It’s an attempt to avoid the pain within themselves, and to artificially boost their ego; which never lasts in the long run. And so the game never stops. It’s torture for us …
The Fatal Attraction Of Our Neediness And The Narcissist
I recall when a narcissist showed up in my life, and turned on the love-bombing. It instantly elevated the way I felt about myself. This led to the belief that this is how ALL relationships should be. We should all have a partner who makes us feel good about ourselves. In my mind I was …
Five Tips To Ease Rumination After A Narcissistic Relationship
After a toxic relationship with a narcissist we can get stuck in the rumination cycle: Repetitive thinking and feeling. This can lead to anxiety or depression. And it’s a vicious cycle of negative emotions which makes us feel worse, and then we ruminate even more. Blaming ourselves often goes hand-in-hand with rumination, and we can feel guilt, …
From Surviving Narcissistic Abuse To Finding Serenity
Many people that I talk to are feeling the crazy emotional roller coaster of having been in a relationship with a narcissist. I used to think that I was on a “roller coaster inside of a blender” because it was so crazy and I didn’t know when it would suddenly turn on and off… Always …
3 Keys To Building Self-Worth After Narcissistic Relationships
Has your self-worth been annihilated by a narcissist? The truth is, only YOU can build it back. Here’s how… As a Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner who works with women to build confidence, love themselves and get their life on track after a narcissistic relationship I can tell you this: It’s a crazy state of affairs out …
The 4 Phases of Narcissistic Relationship Recovery
If you’ve been through a relationship with a narcissist, you know how harrowing it is. I’ve been married (and divorced) twice to narcissists. And as a Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner and Intuitive Life Guide I’ve talked with many women who are on that journey. Through my work (and my own experiences) I’ve identified four phases that …
When We’re Still Triggered From A Narcissist (Even Years Later)
If you’ve been out of a relationship with a narcissist for awhile but still feel triggered when you see or hear something about them, you’re not alone. The word “triggered” refers to that negative emotion that hits you on a deep level. It’s so deep that you feel it in your body. You might feel …
The 1st Step To Creating Healthy Boundaries After A Narcissistic Relationship
People like to use the word “victim” when it comes to narcissistic abuse. But the truth is, that mentality doesn’t serve us. In fact, it keeps us stuck right where we DON’T want to be. Realizing that healing begins with us, and turning our focus away from the narcissist is how we start to move …
Flip The Trauma Switch After A Narcissistic Relationship
After a relationship with a narcissist, we can easily feel stuck; ruminating about what happened, or what should have been. Our self-worth is at an all-time low, we feel exhausted and we can be dealing with a variety of grief stages including anger and depression. But after all of the gaslighting and other types of …
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: The Four Pillars Of Empowerment
The breakup with the narcissist is a nightmare that drains us to our core. It leaves us feeling disempowered, depressed and a variety of other negative emotions that feel like we’ve tried to survive inside of a blender; without knowing when the narcissist was going to press the “on” button. In the end, there’s so …