The Cold, Hard Truth About Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

After a relationship with a narcissist, the emotions vary widely and can include: Anger Depression (Anger Turned Inward) Anxiety Fear Sadness Numbness Shock Confusion And as we’re feeling all of it, our focus is on the narcissist; which continues to perpetuate these emotions as they grow from all of the energy we’re putting into them. …

Do You Know Your WHY?

Maybe you’ve heard of the “WHY” thing before. It’s all about knowing the PURPOSE behind your life and WHY you’re doing in it. And there’s allot of truth in it, because it’s the passion and connection with our heart that drives us. You might have read a previous post about my “Decade from Heck” and …

Getting Out of Deep Stuck-ness

Ever find yourself spinning your wheels over and over again around the same issue? I once took a group coaching program that was filled with “great” content.  I was trying to make progress around a specific problem, and even though I studied the course thoroughly, took copious notes, and implemented the process… A year later, …