Why It’s Hard To Work On Yourself After A Narcissistic Relationship

If there’s any time in life when you need to “do the work” on yourself, it’s after a narcissistic relationship. After all, if you’ve been through this then you know the messy shape you’re in after all of the gaslighting and other insidious manipulation. It’s an exhausting “mind-mess” that leaves you feeling like a shell …

Heal Trauma Without Feeling Traumatized (Trauma Bonds Included.)

The thought of healing from trauma; including a trauma bond from a narcissistic relationship, may seem scary. Just thinking about dealing with it in any way makes us think: “Nope, I’m not going there — ever again”. The other day I spoke with a woman who said she couldn’t recall her entire childhood because “it was so …

The 1st Step To Creating Healthy Boundaries After A Narcissistic Relationship

People like to use the word “victim” when it comes to narcissistic abuse. But the truth is, that mentality doesn’t serve us. In fact, it keeps us stuck right where we DON’T want to be. Realizing that healing begins with us, and turning our focus away from the narcissist is how we start to move …