Narcissists are annoying, irritating and unbelievably ridiculous. They push our buttons in every way possible, and their insidious behavior makes us want to shout out to the world: “Can you believe this idiot?” Or if they’ve thoroughly pounded OUR self-worth into the ground, then WE feel like the idiot. They abuse us mentally and emotionally …
Heal Trauma Without Feeling Traumatized (Trauma Bonds Included.)
The thought of healing from trauma; including a trauma bond from a narcissistic relationship, may seem scary. Just thinking about dealing with it in any way makes us think: “Nope, I’m not going there — ever again”. The other day I spoke with a woman who said she couldn’t recall her entire childhood because “it was so …
The Power Of Self-Forgiveness After A Narcissistic Relationship
After a relationship with a narcissist, we’re coming off of an emotional roller-coaster, and we’re shocked by what we just experienced. Then the self-loathing and blame begins (and it often starts during the relationship, when we’ve realized it’s not what we thought it was.) And since we made the decision to be with this person, …
How Horses Helped Me Heal From A Narcissistic Relationship
Have you experienced the healing effects of animals? Animals have always been a huge part of my life. When I was born, my parents got a dog they named Gretchen, and she became my companion for many years. (My father would say that he came home carrying diapers under one arm and dog food under …
The #1 Way To Heal After A Narcissistic Relationship
I spoke to someone who said they read 600 self-help books in their search to heal from a relationship with a narcissist. And they were still feeling like an emotional wreck. I’ve talked with other’s who’ve asked exactly which book they should read, what video they should watch, or any other effective way to heal …
Creating Clarity For Our Life After A Narcissist
We’re born knowing who we are. We’re our authentic self; fully aligned. Then something happens… Our parents or other people say things, or we see or experience things that throws us off track; including trauma. Our self-worth deteriorates. We develop fears and beliefs that stop us from pursuing the things we want in life, and …
The Tragedy Of Being Hoovered Back In By The Narcissist
Love-bombing runs deep into the recesses of our soul. It’s embedded at a level we never thought possible. And so, we end up with a deep emotional attachment to the narcissist, who convinced us on every level of our being that they are our one true love. That no one else could make us feel …
Narcissistic Abuse Terminology
Are you familiar with the terminology of narcissistic abuse? When we’ve either walked away or have been discarded by them, the signs become clear. Also, knowledge empowers us, and validates that we’re not crazy. Here’s what you need to know: Covert: They appear “normal” to others, who find it difficult to believe the narcissist is …
When Trauma Makes Our Life Blow Up And Re-Align
At this time I’m happily married, living in a beautiful; peaceful place, and feeling grateful for where I am in my life. I’m following my purposed of helping other women in a way that feels totally aligned with who I really am. But it wasn’t always this way. Trauma was something that started early in …
Healing Chronic Life Issues
For 20 years I’ve been on the Mind/Body/Soul healing journey, starting with study and healing arts school. And since then, my perception has always been this Wheel of Trauma, which has Unhealed Trauma at it’s core, and the resulting issues that manifest in life because of the unhealed trauma. Which is why you might see …