Has your self-worth been annihilated by a narcissist? The truth is, only YOU can build it back. Here’s how… As a Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner who works with women to build confidence, love themselves and get their life on track after a narcissistic relationship I can tell you this: It’s a crazy state of affairs out …
Our Beliefs Make Us Or Break Us
We have positive beliefs and negative beliefs. So we need to look at both of those and get them into alignment with who we are and what we really want in life. When we do, we get unstuck and on track to living a life that’s authentic to who we are. Positive beliefs help guide …
My Biggest Lesson In Life
Many of us have a lifelong lesson that we’re learning. And perhaps that’s the whole point in life: Are we finally getting the lesson? Sometimes it takes awhile. And sometimes, we keep getting “hit with the cosmic two-by-four” until we finally get it. And that was the case for me. After all, I wasn’t born …