After a relationship with a narcissist (or when you’re in the midst of a breakup with one), your head is tirelessly spinning, and your emotions are on a crazy roller coaster ride. It’s exhausting. You get stuck in ruminating, and you feel the push-pull nightmare of the trauma bond. When will it end? Hitting the …
After A Relationship With A Narcissist: What Not To Do
After a relationship with a narcissist, the effects are mind-blowing. (Not to mention what it does to your heart.) You struggle to cut the cord and let go when they continue to pretend they still love you. You’re having PTSD and feeling like you’ve been through a war, and the fallout of truth bombs are …
The Fatal Attraction Of Our Neediness And The Narcissist
I recall when a narcissist showed up in my life, and turned on the love-bombing. It instantly elevated the way I felt about myself. This led to the belief that this is how ALL relationships should be. We should all have a partner who makes us feel good about ourselves. In my mind I was …
3 Keys To Building Self-Worth After Narcissistic Relationships
Has your self-worth been annihilated by a narcissist? The truth is, only YOU can build it back. Here’s how… As a Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner who works with women to build confidence, love themselves and get their life on track after a narcissistic relationship I can tell you this: It’s a crazy state of affairs out …