Narcissists are annoying, irritating and unbelievably ridiculous. They push our buttons in every way possible, and their insidious behavior makes us want to shout out to the world: “Can you believe this idiot?” Or if they’ve thoroughly pounded OUR self-worth into the ground, then WE feel like the idiot. They abuse us mentally and emotionally …
How Horses Helped Me Heal From A Narcissistic Relationship
Have you experienced the healing effects of animals? Animals have always been a huge part of my life. When I was born, my parents got a dog they named Gretchen, and she became my companion for many years. (My father would say that he came home carrying diapers under one arm and dog food under …
The Narcissist Loves Our Unhealed Childhood Trauma
It’s not us that the narcissist is attracted to, but the unhealed childhood trauma that they can sniff out like a dog searching for drugs. Oh sure, they say they find us attractive, and they have us believing that we’re soulmates. But it’s the hidden wounds they can see that even we can’t. They sense …
Seeking Validation After A Narcissistic Relationship?
Do you need validation that you’re not crazy? Do you wonder if you’re “normal” and not a narcissist? Are you wishing you could save the new “supply” from having their life destroyed? I understand… At one point I spent months talking to a counselor, just to get validation over the way I felt about the …
The #1 Way To Heal After A Narcissistic Relationship
I spoke to someone who said they read 600 self-help books in their search to heal from a relationship with a narcissist. And they were still feeling like an emotional wreck. I’ve talked with other’s who’ve asked exactly which book they should read, what video they should watch, or any other effective way to heal …
Don’t Let The Trauma Bond From A Narcissist Deceive You
In a narcissistic relationship, the trauma bond is insidious. It’s definitely not our friend. However, the trauma bond will convince us that we need it; that we’re not going to function without it. And that my friend, couldn’t be further from the truth. It deceives us into believing that the state we’re in is love; when it’s …
3 Keys To Building Self-Worth After Narcissistic Relationships
Has your self-worth been annihilated by a narcissist? The truth is, only YOU can build it back. Here’s how… As a Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner who works with women to build confidence, love themselves and get their life on track after a narcissistic relationship I can tell you this: It’s a crazy state of affairs out …
The 1st Step To Creating Healthy Boundaries After A Narcissistic Relationship
People like to use the word “victim” when it comes to narcissistic abuse. But the truth is, that mentality doesn’t serve us. In fact, it keeps us stuck right where we DON’T want to be. Realizing that healing begins with us, and turning our focus away from the narcissist is how we start to move …
Flip The Trauma Switch After A Narcissistic Relationship
After a relationship with a narcissist, we can easily feel stuck; ruminating about what happened, or what should have been. Our self-worth is at an all-time low, we feel exhausted and we can be dealing with a variety of grief stages including anger and depression. But after all of the gaslighting and other types of …
The Pitfall Of Breaking The Trauma Bond With A Narcissist
Marriages to narcissists are something I’m very familiar with. I was married twice to narcissists, and the two divorces where 26 years apart. (And there were 11 years in-between that I was single.) I never would have believed that it would happen again. After all I was smart, college educated, and thought I’d done some …