Has a narcissist pushed you to the brink? Are you feeling like every drop of energy has been drained from your mind, body and soul as though you’ve been attacked by a rabid vampire?
If you’re at rock bottom and wondering how you’ll ever find the energy to crawl out, you’re not alone. I remember feeling that way very clearly.
I’m here to help with advice on what will get you to “feeling human” again and start getting your energy back. Let’s talk “grounding”.
If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope, do what grounds you.
First of all, know that there’s hope, and also some suggestions. The following tips help to ground you, so you can get out of your spinning head and into your heart for healing.
- I often think of animals as “furry grounding devices”. Those who love animals know the unconditional love and support they offer. Something I highly recommend is equine-assisted therapy. Horses are awesome at helping us learn to trust again, build confidence and calm us in our time of need. (I offer this in my retreats, but you can also connect with horses at a rescue and do some grooming.) Your heart and the horse will thank you for it. (And remember to tell them your troubles; they’re great listeners.)
- If you have a spiritual side that brings comfort, it’s time to lean on the Bible, devotions or whatever help you need to soothe your soul. And, you can reach out to a church or bible study group for support. Or, call on a friend who can read scripture to you. You can also listen to YouTube videos of soothing bible readings (often called ASMR). If scripture is where you gain strength, tap into it.
- A simple technique for grounding that you can do anywhere is to sit comfortably with your feet on the floor, close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Imagine the roots of a strong oak tree going from the bottom of your feet; down deep into the ground. Feel a connection to the earth, and imagine the warm golden sun shining down on you. Take a few moments to breathe and enjoy feeling stability in life.
- And if you’re able to get out in nature, that’s great too. There’s groups that organize hikes such as the Sierra Club and other organizations. This is good for single people who don’t want to go hiking alone. The fresh air, breathing deeper and being among the plants, birds, etc. is helpful to get back to ourselves. (Not to mention the health benefits of getting our bodies moving.) The endorphins help us to forget our troubles, at least for awhile.
Remember to take care of YOU. Get a massage, make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and the right nutrition. Get plenty of rest, and take power naps. If you’re struggling with sleep, then getting out in nature, unplugging from the news and social media and reading an enjoyable book can help.
Take care of you for a change, and learn to love yourself by paying attention to your own needs and desires. Be aware of how you’re feeling: Mind, body and emotions, and do what’s needed to feel better.
You’ll feel more relaxed, and you’ll give yourself tools to begin the healing process. Be patient and gentle with yourself, and know that at any given moment, we’re all doing our best; including you.
PS: You’re invited to sign up for the next interactive live event to help empower you and get on track after a narcissistic relationship. Click here to save your spot. Also, schedule a Time to Thrive call with me to look at your struggles, the vision for your life and whether working together is the right fit. (Answer a few questions to get started.)