Many people that I talk to are feeling the crazy emotional roller coaster of having been in a relationship with a narcissist.
I used to think that I was on a “roller coaster inside of a blender” because it was so crazy and I didn’t know when it would suddenly turn on and off…
Always on edge, putting up with the devaluing, gaslighting and “gotcha games”.
I was made to feel angry from the ridiculous accusations, and when I got angry I was told I had an “anger problem”.
But it was a normal reaction to the intense manipulation.
Those were exhausting times, and they were even more insidious because others couldn’t see it: They only saw the charm of an intelligent person who used their mind in an evil way.
Yes, evil is really the only way to describe it, as I often think of narcissistic abuse as the “legal crime”.
There’s no visible scars. No evidence. No proof that the deep mental and emotional abuse exists.
And what’s even more insidious is how the narcissist manipulated us to do things such as support them financially, and drain us on every level: Mentally, emotionally and physically. (Which is why I love a holistic approach to healing.)
And unfortunately, we can’t blame them in the end because we did it willingly; but not knowingly, because we didn’t know who they REALLY were.
They had us fooled, and traumatized to the point that we felt a bond with them: A trauma bond.
There’s anger toward the narcissist, but we often turn it inward and partly blame ourselves, and then the anger becomes depression.
And we’re not alone, because it’s estimated that around 25% of the population is in a narcissistic relationship at some point in their life.
So with all of this talk of trauma and emotional abuse, why am I sharing this serene photo?
Because this is where I live. I have complete peace in my life now.
Wounds have healed. I can breathe. And I can see the lessons I learned.
And above all, I’m standing in my power with abundant clarity of who I am and where I’m going.
But in order to get there, I had to take a new path: A path to empowerment, and that’s the key.
So I’d love for you to join me for Navigate Your Path to Empowerment: 3 Keys to Thrive After Narcissistic Relationships
It’s a free online event on July 10th at 4pm Pacific, 7pm eastern. Simply click on it and sign up to get the zoom info.
This will be an informative and interactive experience, and I’d love to “meet you” virtually.
In the meantime, here’s a giant hug for you, beautiful soul. And remember, you have the power within you to turn things around.
You simply need the right guidance to help you get there.
PS: Are you out of a relationship with a narcissist and ready to heal the past, love yourself and find your power? Schedule a free Time to Thrive Call with me.
Click the link here and answer a few questions to get the ball rolling. We’ll dive into what your vision for your future is, what your challenges are and how to get unstuck and on track now.