When I was in corporate, my cubicle was like a Dream Machine.
It was grey. Drab. Not pleasant to look at.
So I put inspirational signs on the walls, and a calendar or two with bright colors.
And I’d envision venturing outside of the cubicle.
Of one day going “where no analyst had gone before!” 😉
Of taking a leap of faith. Of chasing a dream or two, which had been brewing for years.
And those dreams and visions became a powerful catalyst. Because that’s what they do.
After all, Einstein said:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
So true. It’s the part of us that crafts the vision that propels us forward; no prior knowledge needed.
And it’s through taking a leap that we learn. It’s how we grow, which is what we’re here in this life to do.
It seems scary, because maybe deep down we’re terrified of change.
We get comfy in situations (jobs, relationships, the places where we live). And then we stay stagnant.
Aching to breakaway and move toward the thing that we dream of.
And when we don’t follow that nudge from our soul, it can actually cause chaos on all levels of our life.
Because eventually the stress of not being aligned with who we really are takes it’s toll. Don’t let that happen.
Get clarity, work through your fears and take aligned action. It’s never too late.
 P.S. If you’re feeling the nudge to make a change but you’re not exactly sure what that looks like, schedule a complimentary Clarity Call and let’s get you focused and on the right path. Click here to schedule.