In my last blog post, I talked about getting away and how it helps us to get out of our usual environment so we can get out of our head and into our heart.
But you may be thinking: “Right now, I don’t have the time, the money or the energy to pack my bags and get a baby sitter, dog sitter, house sitter”, or whatever it is you need to physically make it happen.
It may seem like the “impossible dream” at this point in time. OR, you may be planning a holiday somewhere but it’s a long ways off.
And of course there’s been Covid and other issues that have gotten in our way when it comes to travel.
But here’s the thing: We can take a mini vacation NOW, and it doesn’t cost ANYTHING.
That’s right. And to be honest, it has a very similar affect on our Mind, Body and Soul.
We relax, go deep, and immerse our senses in actually being in a beautiful place. And this technique gets us out of our head.
We get back to the core of who we are, rather than being stuck in exhaustion, confusion and other negative mental states.
In my Mind-Body Wellness training, I was taught how to take people to a deep level of relaxation, and guide them through a visualization process that makes them feel like they’ve actually gone away to the place of their dreams.
And I was taught to do it anywhere, even in an emergency room where there’s lots of noise and stress.
This technique is even used by the US Olympic team. And the athletes are able to run through their routine in their imagination, without leaving their chair.
And when they use this powerful technique, their muscles actually fire in sequence, and their scores improve because they practiced it on a DEEP level.
We can also improve OUR life, and enjoy a relaxing “mental vacation” state when we learn how to do it, so we can get ourselves on track faster and more effectively.
I’ll be teaching this technique in my free masterclass called: Soul Clarity. I’ve got a couple of powerful tools up my sleeve that’ll help you go deep and find yourself again.
And, you can use them over and over again.
Click here to go to the home page for more info.