Being in my head TOO much sent me in the wrong direction time and time again.
In order to find my way to the “right” career, relationship, place to live, etc…
I had to do this: Stop taking action that made “sense”.
In other words: Stop analyzing.
When I was in the corporate world, I was trained to analyze to a fault. But it’s NOT the way of the soul. 😇
And then I was directed back to my heart; over and over again.
It’s like the tortoise and the hare; I’d try to get to my goal quickly, but would end up spinning my wheels instead because I wasn’t coming from my heart. 💕
Sometimes the best action to take is to do NOTHING, and become inspired FIRST. Stepping back, finding a spot that soothes our soul, and then connecting with our heart. Allowing ourselves to go within. THEN ideas come from our heart and not our head. 🤔
We get out of our analytical mind, as well as our fear-based self. We come from a place of love, which is the RIGHT direction to follow. Ironically, my zone of genius has been helping others to get out of THEIR head and into their heart to find the right answers. ❤️
But as the saying goes: We teach BEST what we most need to LEARN. ✍️
“Your Heart knows the way, run in that direction.” – Rumi
P.S.: If you’d like guidance to get clarity on your next steps, I offer a complimentary Clarity Call to help you get on the right track. 💕 Click here to book yours.